If you are looking for information about Dublin, this is probably the right place to visit. Here you will find information about the weather in Dublin (make sure to bring an umbrella or two), about the currency of Ireland and Dublin and other interesting Dublin topics. Many people also have questions about transportation, but to find more information about trams, buses and tickets in Dublin, visit our transportation page (see the transportation link in the menu).
We will try to answer as many questions as possible in this section, but if you have any unanswered question, feel free to ask it in the questions and answers section using the comment field there.
Practical information about Dublin
Questions and answers
Have you got a question about Dublin that you can not find an answer to? Feel free to ask it here using the comments field, and we will do our uttermost to give you an answer within shortly. If you know the answer to any question raised on this page, feel free to answer it...
If you have been to Dublin and have some memories you would like to share with us and the rest of our visitors, why not write a little text in our guestbook. It might be positive stuff, or you might share some bad experience if you have had any. Be honest, but skip the bad...
Dublin Pass
If you are planning on visiting several attractions in Dublin, maybe travel with bus from the airport to the city centre and also enjoy activities such as a visit to the zoo and the Guinness Storehouse, the Dublin Pass is the thing for you. The Dublin Pass is a discount pass that can be bought...
Dublin is a large city, but not extremely large. Thus most hotels are located nicely in the city center and within walking distance from most attractions, restaurants and activities. People often ask what is the best area for a hotel in Dublin, or what can be recognized as the city center of Dublin. Our answer...
Before you come to Dublin, make sure to read this article about the climate in Ireland and the weather in Dublin carefully. It is important to be well prepared for this before arrival, because if not you might get very surprised and also a bit sad. Ireland is a green island, and to stay green...
It is easy to get mixed up in currencies, specially when travelling to Great Britain. England is a EU member and so is Ireland, but still we have all heard about British Pounds, Sterling and Euro... what currency are they using where? First of all, the British Pounds and Sterling is the same currency, just...
St. Patrick
March 17, St. Patricks day - But who was really St. Patrick?IntroductionEvery year on the 17th of March thousands of people in Ireland, and people with Irish origin around the world wear green clothes and celebrate St. Patricks day. Green is the national color of Ireland symbolizes the landscape of the nation. Also associated with...
Privacy Policy
Who we are Our website address is: https://www.guidedublin.org. What personal data we collect and why we collect it Comments When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection. An anonymized string created from...