Dublin Half Marathon

Are you looking for a running competition in Dublin this autumn? Have you been reading about the Dublin Marathon, but you are unable to register for the event because it is too late, or you didn’t end up as one of the lucky winners in the lottery? Or is the thought of running a full marathon overwhelming, while running a half-marathon seems to be a challenge that you might be able to conquer?

Get ready to run the half-marathon in Dublin for which anyone capable of actually running the distance can register. Even though anyone can register, you must be able to finish the race within less than 3 hours and 30 minutes, so if that seems like something you can do, then you better get ready and buy a plane ticket to Dublin (if you live elsewhere in the world).

The race itself starts in the beautiful Phoenix Park, and you will get to see many beautiful areas of Dublin and attractions as you complete the half-marathon distance. The starting area is divided into groups in which the fastest runners start in front, while the slowest runners start in the back. There are also people running with big banners showing you their speed, meaning that you can run close to the person with a 5 minute per kilometer banner if your goal is to finish the distance with an average pace of 5 minutes per kilometer.

Dublin Half Marathon 2024

Date: September 22
Location: Phoenix Park

What is the price to run the Dublin Half Marathon?

The price to run the half marathon in Dublin is 38 euros per person.

Where does the half marathon start and end?

The starting point for the half marathon is in Phoenix Park, and most of the race take place in and near the park. Below you can see a map showing the route for the half marathon in 2023, and the route is expected to be identical in the upcoming years as well.

dublin half marathon route

As you probably understand, this is a very idyllic route in which you can enjoy fresh air and maybe some rain. That wouldn’t be a surprise, as there is an average of 150-155 rainy days in Dublin per year. In other words, there is almost a 50% chance that there will be some rain on the competition day.

What else should I do in Dublin?

Look around in our Dublin Guide for more information. If you want to read about other events in Dublin, find out what’s going on in the Irish capital right here.